About Us

An Overview to Formula Change

Formula Change is a pioneering firm specializing in the creation of cutting-edge chemicals designed for industrial purposes. Over an extended period, our team of expert chemists has dedicated themselves to developing and uncovering novel chemical compounds suitable for applications in sectors such as oil and gas, construction, and civil engineering. Through our extensive expertise and close collaboration with clients, we have successfully merged scientific knowledge with inventive thinking, allowing us to adapt oil and gas technologies for application in other industries and vice versa. The outcome? Revolutionary solutions that offer mutual benefits to both sectors, boasting unparalleled uniqueness. These solutions, known as “commodity plus,” not only offer cost-effective advantages but also deliver exceptional performance while being environmentally conscious. With our joint efforts, there is no challenge we cannot overcome.


Directorial Board

We are dedicated to serve you well with our expertise to hands on application with all the products that serve with the highest customer support.

Mr. Ameer Noordin

Executive Director

Welcome to our website. I am honored to welcome you to our website as the Director of Formula Change, a leading special oil supplier company. With a deep-rooted passion for excellence and a relentless drive to push the boundaries of innovation, we have emerged as a steadfast pillar in the energy sector. As we navigate through the dynamic landscape of the industry, our core values of integrity, reliability, and sustainability remain steadfast, guiding every decision and action we take.

We are driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence, reliability, and innovation in providing top-notch solutions to meet the demands of today and tomorrow. With a dynamic team of experts and state-of-the-art technologies, we take pride in delivering premium quality products and services while prioritizing safety and sustainability. Whether you are a valued partner or a potential client, we invite you to explore our comprehensive range of offerings and experience the seamless journey towards a more energy-efficient future oil. Thank you for choosing Formula Change, where your satisfaction is our priority.


1. Innovation and Technological Advancement: Our company aims to be at the forefront of innovation in the industrial chemical oil industry. We strive to develop and supply cutting-edge chemical oils that meet the evolving needs of our customers. By embracing new technologies and research, we aim to continuously improve our products and provide innovative solutions to our clients.

2. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Solutions: Environmental consciousness is a top priority for our company. We are committed to developing and supplying industrial chemical oils that minimize environmental impact. We invest in sustainable manufacturing practices, strive for energy efficiency, and promote the use of bio-based and renewable resources in our products. Our vision is to contribute to a greener future by providing environmentally friendly solutions to our customers.

3. Exceptional Quality and Reliability: We believe in delivering the highest standards of quality and reliability in our industrial chemical oils. Our vision is to establish ourselves as a trusted and preferred supplier by consistently providing products that meet or exceed customer expectations. Through rigorous quality control measures, continuous improvement, and adherence to industry standards, we aim to ensure that our customers receive exceptional products they can rely on.

4. Customer-Centric Approach: Our company’s vision revolves around putting our customers at the center of everything we do. We strive to understand their unique needs and challenges and tailor our industrial chemical oil solutions accordingly. By fostering strong partnerships and providing excellent customer service, we aim to build long-term relationships based on trust, transparency, and mutual success.

5. Global Reach and Collaboration: We aspire to be a globally recognized player in the industrial chemical oil market. Our vision involves expanding our presence in key markets worldwide, forging strategic collaborations with industry partners, and leveraging our expertise to deliver value across different regions. We aim to be a reliable global supplier, providing high-quality industrial chemical oils and driving growth through international partnerships and collaborations.


1. Supply High-Quality Chemical Oils: Our mission is to manufacture and supply industrial chemical oils of the highest quality, meeting or exceeding industry standards. We are dedicated to ensuring that our products deliver exceptional performance, reliability, and consistency, providing optimal solutions for our customers’ specific needs.

2. Customer Satisfaction: Our mission is to prioritize customer satisfaction by understanding their requirements and providing tailored solutions. We aim to build strong relationships with our customers based on trust, responsiveness, and proactive communication. We strive to exceed their expectations, address their concerns promptly, and continuously improve our products and services based on their feedback.

3. Environmental Responsibility: Our mission is to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and products. We are committed to adopting sustainable manufacturing practices, promoting energy efficiency, reducing waste generation, and exploring eco-friendly alternatives in our chemical oil formulations. We strive to be an environmentally responsible company that contributes to a cleaner and greener future.

4. Research and Development: Our mission is to invest in research and development to continuously innovate and improve our chemical oil products. We aim to stay ahead of industry trends, anticipate customer needs, and develop new formulations and technologies that enhance performance, efficiency, and safety. Through R&D, we seek to push the boundaries of what is possible in the industrial chemical oil sector.

5. Industry Leadership and Collaboration: Our mission is to be a leader in the industrial chemical oil industry and actively collaborate with other stakeholders. We strive to contribute to the advancement of the industry by participating in industry associations, sharing knowledge and best practices, and engaging in partnerships with customers, suppliers, and research institutions. By fostering collaboration, we aim to drive innovation, promote industry standards, and create a positive impact on the sector as a whole.